Almagro-Gorbea, M. (2006): El “Canto de los Responsos” de Ulaca (Ávila): un rito celta del Más Allá. Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de las Religiones 11: 5-38.
Almagro-Gorbea, M. y Alvarez-Sanchís, J.R. (1993): La "Sauna" de Ulaca: saunas y baños iniciáticos en el mundo céltico. Cuadernos de Arqueología de la Universidad de Navarra 1: 177-253.
Álvarez-Sanchís, J. R. (1994): Zoomorphic Iron Age sculpture in western Iberia: symbols of social and cultural identity? Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 60: 403-416.
Bagendon Project outline results on the recent field project (this includes links to downloadable publications): www.bagendonproject.org
Bibracte website (this includes links to further reading) www.bibracte.fr
Collis, J. 1984. Oppida. Earliest towns north of the Alps. Sheffield, Sheffield Academic Press.
Dunning, G.C. 1976. Salmonsbury, Bourton-on-the-Water, Gloucestershire. In Harding, D.W. (ed.) Hillforts: Later prehistoric earthworks in Britain and Ireland. Academic Press. London: 75-118
Fernández-Götz, M. 2014. Reassessing the oppida: the role of power and religion, Oxford Journal of Archaeology 33(4): 379-394.
Fichtl, S. 2005. La Ville Celtique. Les oppida de 150 av. J.-C. à 15 ap. J.-C. 2nd edition. Paris, Editions Errance.
Moore, T. 2012 Beyond the oppida. Polyfocal complexes and Late Iron Age societies in southern Britain, Oxford Journal of Archaeology 31(4): 391-417.
Moore, T. 2014. The birth of a capital? Bagendon 'Oppidum' and the impact of Rome on the British
countryside. In The Impact of Rome on the British Countryside: a conference organised by the RAI, Chester, 11-13 October 2013. Breeze, D. The Royal Archaeological Institute. 26-30.
Cultural Landscapes
Fairclough, G. and Rippon, S. 2002. Europe's cultural landscape : Archaeologists and the management of change. Brussels : Europae Archaeologiae Consilium.
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
Natural England (2010), Guidance on the European Landscape Convention.
UNESCO 2009. World Heritage Cultural Landscapes A Handbook for Conservation and Management
Heritage Management Organisations
International Council on Monuments and sites (ICOMOS)
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
Management Policies
Research Institutions